Decorative (e.g. holiday) string lighting, consisting of bulbs no larger than three inches, that outlines a building or structure following the trim line on an eave, window or railing; or decorative string lighting in trees; or decorative string lighting between commercial or mixed use buildings or to a post or structure forming a canopy over a walkway. Decorative lighting does not fill in building features such as walls and roofs.
Be allowed in all lighting zones from November 1 through April 1 of the following year. At all other times decorative lighting is unlawful.
2. Be limited to two (2) of the following features:
a. The building roof eave line;
b. The building window trim;
c. Building columns; or
d. Railings.
3. Not protrude from the upper wall plane or the roof of a structure or fill in such features on a structure. Lighting on a building shall be in a singular strand along the eaves, window trim or railings.
4. Not exceed 3 inches in size.
5. Consist of LED bulbs (soft color encouraged)
6. Not blink or rotate, nor create a hazard or nuisance from glare. Decorative lighting shall be maintained in good working condition at all times.
7. Commercial uses in Lighting Zone 1 has a curfew of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. All other decorative lighting has a curfew of eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M.